Every year I put together an affirmation list that helps me, plus everyone in my orbit, to reset our minds for the new year. These exercises...because it is all a mental fitness really a re-programming & re-tuning of your frequency of who you need to be & everything you want in this lifetime. Your dreams, all the opportunities, the circumstances you're creating, they're all out there waiting for you. I love repeating these affirmations because it's just a quicker way of having those things meet you at the same pace that you're running to them.

To attract your goals:

I am manifesting a wonderful life. 

I am being guided to my desires. 

I am attracting my desires now. 

I am like a magnet and my desires are being attracted to me.

 My thoughts create my destiny. 

Thank you for all the good I've manifested into my life. 

Thank you for all the good I am manifesting into my life. 

Thank you for all the things, people, experiences and opportunities that I will manifest into my life. 

Thank you for all of these things or something better. 

I expect it and I am vibrating in the space of having already happened.

For manifesting money:

I can feel prosperity and abundance all around me.

 My life becomes stronger with every layer I create.

 My life becomes better with every positive thought that I have.

I feel the things that I desire all around me.

I see the things I desire all around me.

 Infinite potential and unconditional love is always flowing through me.

I am deserving.

I am attracting and creating what I want from my heart.

It is already here. 

Everything I want has arrived. I am me. This is me.  Thank you.

For your mindset/mental health:

I trust myself. 

I know that everything is unfolding for me.

Everything I see and experience are unfolding for me. 

I know that fears are transformable. 

The more flexible I am to change the better it feels.

Change is a natural sign of life. 

I choose life.

Fears are just thoughts that create feelings. 

Affirmations I choose, are just thoughts that create feelings. 

I choose my affirmation and positive identity over fears.

 I am creating my emotion and my emotions are creating my life.

I am the master of my emotions.

 I am the master of my thoughts. 

I am intuitively guided to thoughts that serve my highest good.

I love myself. 

All things pass through me and I determine the lens through which they pass.

 I choose love.

 And I love that all things I desire are here with me now. 

I choose those.

Getting in the gratitude attitude:

I have the ability to attract anything that I want.

I have the ability to attract everything that I want. 

I am so grateful for the life that I have. 

I am so grateful for the life that I'm creating.

My thoughts and beliefs create my reality. 

I am now creating my wonderful reality. 

I am so grateful for the life that I am privileged to live. 

I give and receive gratitude easily.

I am creating a wonderful whole world for myself and the ones that I love.

I am so grateful for my commitment to myself. 

I am so grateful to give.

I am so grateful to receive and I am so grateful to create all of the blessings in my life.

I am giving receiving and creating so much gratitude for all of the love and abundance around me.

Keeping the positivity flowing:

I am the architect of my life. 

I build its foundation and choose its content. 

Today I am brimming with energy and overflowing with joy.

I’m superior to negative thoughts and low action.

I am guided in my every step by spirit who leads me toward what I must know and do. Happiness is a choice. 

My ability to conquer my challenges is limitless. 

My potential to succeed is infinite.

My thoughts are filled with positivity and optimism. 

Everything that's happening now is happening for my highest good.

I’m a powerhouse.

I am indestructible because I think I am.

I acknowledge the power of my thoughts to create my life.

I acknowledge the power of my feelings to indicate what I'm creating for my life.

My future is an ideal projection of what I envision right now. 

All of my efforts are being supported by the universe. 

My dreams manifest into reality before my eyes. 

I walk with strength in my heart and clarity in my mind. 

My fears melt away before me.

I am at peace with all that has happened, all that is happening, and all that will happen. 

I am so lucky and so thankful. 

I am grateful that I create my life.

I create my life with grace, competence, and beauty now.

Save the full affirmations list here!


